Rimbit is unique and that sets it apart from anything else and is the only Digital Currency that will last the years
Rimbit is not mined and instead purchased to help continued development of new and exciting features
Rimbit avoids expensive hardware to maintain the network. Instead it does it all from your Rimbit wallet
Ladies and gentlemen this is Rimbit. When I founded this company I had one goal in mind and that was to do what nobody else considered possible, to put the power and the beauty of the worlds most advanced technology in the hands and homes of people just like you and me and I can promise you that after today you will never look at Crypto Currency the same way again.
So I am proud to introduce to you and the world the future of Crypto Currency, Rimbit
(Original Quote from Steve Jobs in 1971 at The West Coast Computer Faire)
Keeping the Rimbit wallet simple and at the same time powerful, means that every Rimbit wallet is responsible for the confirmation of transactions which also has a side benefit built into the Rimbit wallet and that is that, just like a bank, you will gain Interest from your Crypto Currency based on coin age (length of time your Rimbit is in your possesion). enabling your Rimbit to increase in numbers just by having some in your wallet.
Do you have Your Rimbit?
Rimbit maintains all its developments via contributions made to its funding portals.
As more contributions come in, we distribute Rimbit via PERKS on our funding campaigns to ensure great software development!
Along with our desktop wallets, we have released version of our Android wallet.
With continued funding, one of our aims is to develop, test and offer a free wallet for Apple devices in the near future.
Rimbit maintains its integrity by avoiding the need to involve mining.
We took the mining out so you are not under the rule of big business. Our next step is to offer superior backup systems.
Crypto Currency is a new technology, so Rimbit has taken it to the schools.
Rimbit strongly believes that everyone should have Digital Currency without the need to have expensive hardware or be tech orientated.