
Bittrex - What about listing Rimbit?

Mark Crypto Currency Leave a Comment


In a valiant attempt at getting Rimbit listed on one of the bigger exchanges, I decided to contact their support team directly, so I would know if we are merely being dismissed.

We do realize that we are a threat to established Crypto Currency, as our model has removed mining from the equation, and we understand that can be very hard for someone accustomed to mining to accept, as it throws the entire notion of the “tech” involvement out the window in favor of the general community.

Rimbit does take the power away from those who preach decentralization, yet promote their coin to be mined with the required need for 3rd party hardware. They cannot function without it and their blockchain will collapse, and that is why we built Rimbit in the first place as we predict that sometime in the near future, that is what will happen.

So I drafted up an email to support just a few hours ago and sent it away…. knowing full well the refusal replies in advance.

All we are asking for the the equal right to offer Rimbit on exchanges that have accepted other coins, that are just weeks old and with no financial structure behind them or any community behind them, except via a post on bitcointalk.org

We are still going strong after 12 months and we don’t see any obstacles except that of trade on exchanges, which is being hampered by misconception and or a failure to recognize Rimbit as a viable currency. Sure its not mined, but why should that matter, as at its core is a smattering of Bitcoin and other coins!

The email:

Hello again
We have requested a listing with Bittrex some time ago.

We filled out all the requirements as stated, but it seems that we keep getting dismissed by exchange after exchange

We are listed at

And just started a new campaign on Kickstarter just today at

We have been running for over 12 months now and are at the mercy of the only 2 exchanges, because other exchanges state we are simply not interesting and our forum members have been commenting about the difficulties.

So again, I ask if you will consider Rimbit on your exchange…

Coin Details:

POS: 11.96907737

Block: 52593, Sup: 390136209

Net. hashrate: 0.00 GH/s

Established in March 2014




Explorer: https://rimbitexplorer.com/chain/Rimbit 

Main Website: http://rimbit.com/

Forum: http://rimbitforum.com

Campaign: http://igg.me/at/rimbit-com/x/6825374

Trust Verification

Coinsource Verification: http://www.coinssource.com/trust-index/Rimbit-RBT/

Social Networks

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rimbitcoin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RimbitCom

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/c/Rimbit

Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/rimbitcryptotv

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/rimbit


Contact email address


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