Where to Buy?
Rimbit can only be obtained from Exchanges
The more People Power that Rimbit gets by contacting Exchanges and requesting them to "hold" Rimbit, the quicker that you can start watching your Rimbit RISE in value!
Development is now back in the hands of Devs
We tried many ways to give the community more leeway and it just didnt work, so we are now back in control and will continue to steer Rimbit while we still hold RBT
What is Ahead?
That all depends on the community as we have had many obstacles to go through and many doubters that are now realizing that their "other" coin is not a perfect solution as it shows how easy its manipulated by those in the Industry and by Power Miners
How to get Interest?
Every Rimbit Wallet is also its own little money making machine.
Unlike traditional miners, the Rimbit wallet looks at how much Rimbit you hold, looks at how old that Rimbit is and then grabs a small portion of it, puts it into "Unconfirmed" and then mines it, to generate NEW Rimbit that is then sent out to other wallets to verify and confirm and then is added to your Rimbit Balance!
Unlike conventional mining, Rimbit works without the need of special hardware or mining pools.
We call this type of mining Private Interest Mining or PIM for short
The amount of Interest you get is based on how much you own.
Its a fantastic feeling watching New Rimbit being created by your wallet!
Grab MORE from Exchanges and watch that Interest get Bigger and arrive in your wallet more often!

Why is Rimbit Different?
Bitcoin - Bitcoin has 8 major large scale mining facilities that control the sending and receiving of Bitcoin over the Blockchain. This influential role of Bitcoin also extends to innovative domains like Bitcoin casinos, where the cryptocurrency's decentralized nature transforms the landscape of online gambling, offering anonymity and efficiency to players and operators alike. At онлайн казино биткоин blog, know more about bitcoin casinos if you’re interested.
They can decide who gets priority over a "send" of BTC from one wallet to another and if you dont pay the Higher Fee, your transaction can take between 6 hours and 24 hours to process, as the Higher Fee transactions have priority
The 8 large scale mining facilities are all China based and owned, with 3 of them, sponsored by the Chinese Government, which they tactfully use to create panic by creating speculative laws to drop the price, then buy cheaper Bitcoin, then let the blockchain recover again, making $$$ millions in the process
FIAT - Fiat currency is manipulated by each country that prints their own currency, with some countries being a little smarter than others and is why some countries like China are known for their currency manipulation, which carries over to Crypto Currency, as they control the Blockchain (unless your in complete denial and believe they wont do that)
Rimbit - It was designed as simple as possible, taking most of its functionality from Bitcoin, with the exception of being a STAKED coin (It generates interest based on your coins age and balance), plus Rimbit has removed the entire MINING aspect so it cannot be manipulated by anyone, except the community.
The community decide its value with no other influence possible and that is where its power is located and once people begin to realize that Governments and Industry dont play fair when it comes to society, finance and information, then Rimbit, a currency that the community own and control, will slowly come out of the shadows.
Rimbit has been around since 2014 and cannot die as there are now enough users to keep the network running on its own, without the need of miners or even nodes, which ANY country is completely powerless to do anything about as Rimbit is now unstoppable!
How to get Rimbit? - You can only get Rimbit (RBT) on Exchanges
Trading BTC
- Trade BTC for RBT
Trading LTC
- Trade LTC for RBT
Trading DOGE
- Trade DOGE for RBT
Trading BTC
- Trade BTC for RBT
Trading ETH
- Trade ETH for RBT
Trading DOGE
- Trade DOGE for RBT
Trading USD
- Trade USD for RBT
Trading BTC
- Trade BTC for RBT
Its exciting getting interest on your Rimbit Balance
The more Rimbit you have in your Wallet, the more Interest it will get.
Rimbit creates new coins everyday from within the code and deposits those newly created Rimbit directly into your wallet, if its open and staking.
Rimbit will "hold" an amount of Rimbit and then will commence generating new coins on the amount held and then release if for the community of Rimbit users to confim and verify those new coins and then simply deposit it back into your wallet, increasing your initial amount of Rimbit.
This is the way it should be and Rimbit has done it, without you spending money on mining hardware.

Giveaways and Promotions
We promote new Giveaway Methods via Twitter.
We sometimes remove methods as they tend to become more complicated than either ourselves or the Rimbit users want, so we are always looking for new avenues to send out Free Rimbit.
The best way of knowing the giveaways is via our Tweets that we tweet out and until we find something more efficient, that will have to do.
With Rimbit continuing to grow every month, we hope that new users will encourage more users to come on board, thereby expediting our Give Aways quicker as our goal is to empty all our wallets ASAP
We do hand out large sums of RBT to developers who are first verified and need testing RBT for their services, so sometimes there will be other Give Aways that we wont know about 😛

Our Forum is up and running
We have setup a forum for the community to discuss how they will work the future of Rimbit, as we are merely the gatekeepers for now. Additionally, we recognize the importance of incorporating the diverse interests of our community, including those who enjoy online gaming and slot sites like 슬롯사이트. We encourage our members to explore innovative online entertainment.
We have been around the Internet for over 4 years and apart from the first 2 weeks, we have never needed a single miner, GPU, ASIC or otherwise.
Our Model has changed a few times and now we only need funding for 2 things.
- Marketing
- Finding new avenues of giving away Rimbit
This Patreon is NOT for a swap of coins, but instead helping us finance our need to expand as much as we can with Marketing and distribution, with the creation of faucets and website that help us give Rimbit away
We have started pushing Rimbit out via as many Exchanges that are prepared to take on a Cryptocurrency that has stood the test of time and doesn't need nodes to process transactions.
As a wallet, its very stable and just needs trading on exchanges to complete the circle of being a great contender as a coin in the Crypto Industry